

Those of you that know me well are aware that I have a deep, DEEP and abiding passion for anything monogrammed. You can blame TrinColl for that, I suppose?

Mike and I were lucky enough to get several customized wedding presents, including spectacular John Derian coasters, monogrammed spoonulas, a cutting board and a wood-carved picture frame.

But you can never have enough monograms.


Now, we do have a slight problem as Mike and I don't share the same letter of our last names. But there are many ways to get around this, and, if you ask my mother, it's always the hostess whose initials appear on customized hand towels, sheeting, etc (but NEVER cars. Please read the Preppy Handbook for more on that).

That being said, I am giddy with delight after discovering IOMOI. Their holiday look book arrived at the office yesterday and I have already spent far too long drooling over all things lucite and crystal. It's almost as exciting as circa 1997 when the Delia's catalog would be delivered and I'd spend hours lamenting over the fact that my wide-leg jeans were NOT WIDE ENOUGH.

What I like about this brand is that many places that offer customization only have a few color options or prints. I almost have the opposite problem here: I'm pretty much paralyzed trying to decide between elephants and tigers, rattan or batik. The humanity.

(At this point, you may now say, "Fuck these white girl problems. I'm out!" That's fine, this post was obviously not written for you.)

Here are some amazingly awesome monogrammed things that I need to possess at this instant:

These coasters:

These trays:


I'll stop there, but I'm not kidding when I tell you the contents of my online cart on the website are more than a little embarrassing.

Mike, isn't it so cool that we're together FOREVER now?