why my sister is the best or: wedding day clutches

22 day to go! That is one day more than three weeks!

Deep breaths.


One of the best parts about my DC shower was that my sister Laura, who lives very far away in a land called Sacramento, was able to fly out not only for the the event, but came a few days earlier to hang with me in the Big Apple. We dined with Gwyneth at Lafayette (no, but really), I introduced her to 16 Handles Graham Cracker fro-yo, and schooled Mike on the ways in which it's important to keep your lady dressed in finery at all times. It was a grand time followed by an even more fantastic celebration in DC. It breaks my heart that we can't do it every weekend.

Yay, here we are.

If you know nothing else about my sister, know that she is a consummate gift-giver (as well as an inimitable bargain hunter). Even if she doesn't know the person to whom she is gifting that well, you can be assured that she'll have an innate sense that yes, do you DO like cashmere hats and artisanal salts. It's like magic.

So, when she told me giddily that she had something special for me as a shower present since she didn't really feel like baking sheets and towels were her jam, I knew the Laura-magic was percolating.

And guys, she totally outdid herself.

After the shower, my parents, Laura and I went to dinner, so we could a) complete a post-mortem on the celebration in typical Izon fashion and b) I could open my present with my sis before we all had to fly back to our respective corners of the globe.

The first gift I opened was this:

As my sister explained in the card, this was one of her favorite books as child. The Johnson museum happened to be in her hometown (sister grew up in KS!) and she spent many hours there learning the fantastic stories of the explorers Martin and Osa. So obviously she not only found this beautiful edition, but that zebra print is pretty au-courant too, no?

In the second box was this:


In case you can't tell, this is a Kate Spade clutch based on my sister's favorite book that also happens to be wedding themed.

Sorry, everyone, Laura has just won at life.

I can't wait to carry this on my wedding day and the fact that it's not overtly bridal means I can trot it out whenever I want post-nuptials. Which will probably be every day.

And yes, I am revealing this pre-July 13th because I want everyone who actually sees it at the reception to be in awe of its magnificence.

Love you, La.